
Become an associate, email us at

As an Associate you’ll be an expert with a range of methodological skills and experience, including one or more of the following:

  • Qualitative Research design, implementation and analysis, including focus group discussions; in-depth interviews; ethnographic research; document analysis; comparative case study research.
  • Quantitative Research design, implementation and analysis, including experimental designs; quasi-experimental designs such as difference-in-difference techniques; cross-sectional and panel data analysis; structured and semi-structured surveys; and value for money analysis.
  • Mixed Methods studies, including sequential and parallel data gathering techniques in mixed methods research. Theory-based evaluations, contribution analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis.
  • Randomised control trials, including trial design, management, and data analysis.
  • Reviews and evidence scoping, including rapid reviews, evidence scoping, in-depth evidence summaries.
  • Instrument design and testing, including development, piloting, and refinement of data collection instruments related to teaching and learning. Includes tools to measure cognitive skills such as literacy and numeracy, and non-cognitive skills such as empathy and self-management; and structured, semi-structured, and open-ended tools.

We are also seeking policy leads or experts across our eight priority areas

Being an NFER associate is an opportunity to join highly skilled and influential specialist teams, working on front-line research and assessment in the UK and abroad. We offer flexible opportunities for short to longer-term contracts, across a range of disciplines and thematic areas. Through developing strong and lasting relationships with our Associates we can offer carefully matched opportunities, within supportive teams.

If you are an education and research expert who brings skills and experience in a variety of methodologies, approaches and thematic areas, we would be keen to hear from you. To find out more about joining our pool, please tell us about your main skills and experience, and attach your CV in an email to You can contact us at any time, although we may from time to time also run specific Associate recruitment programmes so we recommend signing up for job alerts to stay in the know.


The National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales. Head office and registered address: The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 2DQ
Recruitment enquiries: Email:
General enquiries: Telephone: +44(0)1753 574123 | Fax:+44(0)1753 691632 | Email:
Product enquiries: Telephone: +44(0)1753 637007 | Email:
Research participant enquiries: Telephone: +44(0)1753 637096 | Email:
Registered charity number 313392. Registered number 900899 (England and Wales). A company limited by guarantee.